Sustainable Mangrove Rehabilitation for Global and Local Benefits
Sustainable Mangrove Rehabilitation for Global and Local Benefits
Funded By Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) and under the Collaborative Regional Research Programme (CRRP)

Project Duration: 2017-2019

This study generally aims to synthesize the best practices and challenges in mangrove rehabilitation in the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, China and India. It employed an in-depth review of secondary information such as policy documents and project reports, and participatory research activities with various mangrove stakeholders such as key informant interview and focus group discussion. Lessons and strategies obtained were used to develop a mangrove rehabilitation framework/guideline. The guideline was tested for suitability through case studies in the Philippines and Myanmar.

It was concluded that mangrove rehabilitation will succeed if 1) it is built around an integrated and ecosystem-based approach that takes into account feedback between rehabilitation and other economic activities; 2) its scope is beyond mere planting; 3) local people are involved in planning and monitoring in addition to implementation; 4) all stakeholders are informed of their roles and responsibilities; and 5) species selection is based on ecological and silvicultural knowledge in conjunction with the needs and priorities identified by stakeholders.

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Project Leader

Leni D. Camacho, PhD
Professor 12 and UP Scientist III
Dixon T. Gevaña, PhD
Professor 1 and UP Scientist I

DSFFG personnel Involved

Lorena L. Sabino, PhD
Assistant Professor 7