The project on the value chain of bamboo textile products is a significant component in strengthening the planned collaboration between DENR-FMB and DOST-PCAARRD – DENR-DOST National Bamboo Inventory System.
The bamboo value chain analysis (BVCA) would contribute to the inventory system (market information gaps, producers and processors/consumers database, and product investments) by addressing the lack of bamboo market information, and providing information on the key market players and bamboo enterprises, and their specific roles in the chain, characteristics, and location.
The project will also focus on the involvement of women and youth in the whole bamboo chain (BVC), a feature that is inadequate in most Philippine studies related to bamboo. The general objective of the research is to analyze the value chain of bamboo textile products in the Philippines. Specifically, it aims to:
- identify, characterize, and locate the different players of the bamboo textile products value chain;
- describe the role and contribution of the different players in the development and success of the bamboo products textile value chain;
- map the value chain of bamboo textile products in the Philippines;
- determine opportunities and limiting factors for the development of the bamboo textile products value chain;
- analyze the performance of the value chain of bamboo textile products in terms of efficiency, flexibility, and overall responsiveness; and
- recommend technical and policy options to improve the bamboo industry.